I love hair, I've always loved hair, I'm always experimenting and playing with my own hair so when it came to dolls I looked at it as just more different and exciting hair to experiment with. So I have all of these dolls or models with different lengths and textures of hair, I get my dolls from thrift stores or used on Ebay, I believe that most used dolls can be made beautiful again with just a little TLC.
So I took 3 models at a time, rodded their hair and let it air dry for about a day and a half( you must be patient with this or show me a faster way:). I start with a cup of luke warm water, get your first model, dip her head in the water until all of her hair is wet and squeeze out excess water into cup(also I should have mention to sit a towel in your lap while you work), next I usually spray a setting lotion of some sort, but you really don't have to, but while the hair is still really damp,
not dripping wet, I
already know the size rods I want to use, (this could depend on how curly you want the hair or if you just want the volume, all of my models hair have different results no matter what rods I use), I take small to medium pieces of hair, depending on the thickness, length, or whatever curl I'm trying to achieve I begin to roll the hair on the rods and close(since the hair is still really wet it makes it more easier to roll around the rod), see front and back photos below on how I placed the rods. The rods I use are called cold wave rods, I get them from a local beauty supply store about $.69 per pack of 12, I get the short ones in different sizes (see photo). So I started 1 day, then my batteries ran out on my camera so I don't have pictures for when their hair was fresh they are all a day old, some dolls hair texture last longer than others.
My models were Twila, Cristina and Britney. I rolled Twila with the medium rods because I just really wanted volume, the first day of Twila's hair was really beautiful but her hair is heavy so it flops quicker, but still has that volume and curl on the ends, her hair is more of a conservative big. Cristina's hair doesn't hold a curl that well, but the volume is still big and sexy, maybe next time I'll roll her hair in smaller pieces with the smallest rods. Britney's hair was my favorite, she has a lot of thick hair, so I use smaller sections and the smaller rods, her hair lasts longer and is big, curly and sexy!
make sure it's jagged in the center
so that the hair can grip |
this is right after taking out rods |
back view |
back view of Twila's hair after 1 day |
Cristina's hair after 1 day |
front view |
back view |
Britney's hair after 1 day |
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