I had a sewing machine (a Brother - Project Runway edition) without an operators manual, I thought "great", (this was before I knew that you could pull one up on your computer for free). "Well, how hard could it be?", I thought, after all I just wanted to make doll clothes, easy right? Wrong.
First time I tried the sewing machine, I thought I had broke it because the thread wouldn't stay in the needle when I tried to sew another seam, frustrated, I put the machine back in the box. I still really much wanted to make doll clothes, then I thought what about hand sewing, I looked on You Tube's how to videos for hand sewing, those videos were great, it took time looking through them but it was worth it. Hand sewing was really good until I wanted to make pants and other different things, there was no way I was going to take all that time sewing by hand. So, I looked on You Tube for my sewing machine and thought "duh", I should have thought of this from the beginning and that's actually when I found out my machine wasn't broke... lol. Next, I looked for videos on regular machine sewing, all I needed were the basics but You Tube had videos on everything you need to know, and that's how I learned.
As far as the basics it's pretty much the same when you want to make doll clothes, find basic free patterns, change the measurements or alterations to fit the doll the way you want. Use your imagination, this is where using recycled fabrics comes in handy, you can take shirt patterns make them into jackets or just try the patterns with a lot of different fabrics to see how it comes out. Do a google for "Free fashion doll clothes patterns" or "free barbie doll patterns", or just "free doll clothes patterns", they even have stuff for 18" dolls. My absolute favorite was www.allcrafts.net, lots of the clothes I've made come from those patterns and my imagination. If you don't mind spending a little money and time you could buy cheap fashion doll clothes and rip them apart with your seam ripper and use as patterns or templates. There are plenty of things out there to help you create gorgeous doll clothes, you just need imagination, time, and patience. I hope this is helpful.
For all projects, parental guidance is strongly suggested for children under 12. Most of my projects, I use sharp or pointed tools, so they can be dangerous if not use properly.
I am not a professional, I am self taught so I the things I
show are what works well for me, please feel free to ask questions or comment.
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